What is a Virtual Assistant and what does a Virtual Assistant do?

We’ve put these questions together because they get frequently, and one generally follows the other.

This is our definition of a Virtual Assistant, although it can vary:

A Virtual Assistant is an office administration professional that works from the comfort of their own home office or a leased office space or anywhere they want to be! They are generally sole traders, carrying their own ABN and working the hours of their choosing.

What does a Virtual Assistant do? 

Well, there are endless ways this can be answered, but in short, a Virtual Assistant does the majority of things that a personal assistant or office administrator does, but they’re never in your office. Answering telephones, replying to emails, invoicing your clients… anything you can do online, your Virtual Assistant can help you with.

What can a Virtual Assistant do for me?

Advancing technology means that you don’t need to hire an administration professional to sit in your office. Below is a tiny list of tasks that our VAs regularly carry out for our clients:

  • Taking incoming calls and scheduling bookings;

  • Updating the content of your websites;

  • Updating your social media accounts and replying to your customers;

  • Replying to your client’s enquiries via email;

  • Debt collection and accounts receivable tasks;

  • Data entry;

  • Calendar management;

  • Booking travel;

  • Writing board reports;

  • and much, much more!

  • We don’t undertake telemarketing, sales/marketing calls and/or similar tasks/functions to these.

What if I only need you to answer my phones?

Not a problem! We’re professional and can a have dedicated line set up for you within about 30 minutes (once the admin part of the process is done)…

Why should I go with you?

If you’re weighing up the pros and cons, we’d suggest giving both a trial run. You can then decide based on results, not on words. We often speak to clients who’ve not had much success with overseas VA’s, and want someone that they know they can rely on, that speaks their language and understands business in Australia – and that’s important!

What hours do we work?

Our core hours are 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. Anything outside that can be negotiated with the us. We’re usually reasonably flexible.

What tools do you use to get your job done?

We love living in this era of technology! There are so many tools available to us online to make working remotely easy for everyone. We love Dropbox for file sharing, we use Google Apps for our email, calendar and contacts, we use Skype for communicating – just to name a few. Of course, you may have your own CRM or programs/technologies that you use in your business, we’re more than happy to use these.

How do we share files?

With the use of Dropbox you can share the files that you want to share with us, so that we work in real-time on the same documents. There is no need to send files via email and there will be no chance of duplicate documents. It works just like a normal server, just in the cloud. We also use Google Drive or any other file sharing program you choose… it’s entirely up to you!

Will you sign a confidentiality agreement?

Yes – this is part of our Service Agreement. It protects you and us and benefits all parties.

How do you answer our telephone calls?

When your dedicated telephone line is connected, we answer as if we’re in your office AND it’s our location is transparent to your clients. You can forward any phone to this number if you’re busy, so your calls don’t go unattended. It includes a voicemail facility too!

How can I hand over my email inbox to you?

If you want us to manage your email inbox, it’s easy. We simply set up a copy of your email account on our desktop and manage it from there. Or, if you’re already in the cloud ie. Gmail, we can simply log on throughout the day to action your Inbox.

What are your payment terms?

These Can be Discussed but for Up front Projects Payment is required upfront.

For ongoing tasks, We Send an invoice and We have a strict 5 day payment term. If payment is not received within the 5 days, we get sad and you may incur late fees and have your services suspended due to non-payment…

What are my payment options?

Payment options vary.

  • We Invoice you and then you Direct deposit into the TDW bank account is usually the best way…

  • We do accept credit card payment (call us to process) – charges are 1.4% of invoice total + $0.29c transaction fee (due to the bank charging us, unfortunately we need to onpass the fees)…

All the payment details you need will be on your invoice.